Sall – Justrite Italia STAGING

[vc_row full_height=”yes” columns_placement=”top”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”12px” alter_height=”small” hide_on_mobile=””][trx_sc_title title_style=”default” title_tag=”h1″ title_align=”center” title=”Standard product customization” subtitle=”Discover how Sall can customize the standard product you need”][vc_empty_space height=”12px” alter_height=”small” hide_on_mobile=””][vc_column_text]Sall offers for all models of the standard lines the customization service to meet specific needs and aesthetic preferences of customers.

Customizations for all Products of each Line:

  • Dimensions
  • Capacity (Kg)
  • Capacity  (L)
  • Painting of any colour as per customer’s desire.
  • Materials and surface tratments: galcanized steel, painted steel, stainless steel.
  • Specific certifications for foreign markets.

Every Sall product can also be equipped with both standard or custom accessories.


Storage Containers and Module Storage Containers, as well as Storage Deposits can be equipped with the following accessories, both in Standard and Customized Versions:

  • Side splashguards.
  • Spill pallet internal coating with plastic material (such as polyethylene and polypropylene) for the safe storage of acids and corrosive liquids.
  • IBC and drum supports.
  • Thermal Insulation.
  • ATEX or standard electrical lighting systems.
  • ATEX or standard forced ventilation system.
  • ATEX or standard control system.
  • Fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire extinguishers.
  • Automatic door closing system.
  • Alarm sensors.
  • Control unit.
  • Internal humidity control system.
  • Alarm system for liquid collection in the spill pallet.
  • Liquids transferring systems and pumps.
  • Panic exit devices.
  • Steel, stainless steel and aluminium shelving.
  • Access ramps.
  • Thermostat.
  • Insulation.

Standard Steel Spill Pallets can be customized per dimensions, color, capacity, type of primary container and type of hazardous substance and can be equipped with:

  • Internal plastic coating treatment for acidic and corrosive liquids
  • Side splashguards.
  • Modular and stackable supports for drums.
  • Tilted supports for IBC tanks.
  • Vertical shelving.
  • PVC covering Sheets

Sheet Metal Stillages and Metal Pallets are customizable per color, surface treatment, size, scope, and design.
Sheet Metal Stillages can also be equipped with:

  • Internal steel dividers.
  • Card holder.
  • Wheeled frame for easy manual handling.
  • Wheeled base.

Tipping Skips can be supplied with the following accessories, both Standard and Customized:

  • Tipping skips can be supplied with the following accessories:
  • Internal polyethylene coating.
  • Anti-noise internal plastic coating.
  • Foldable and hinged lid.
  • Removable lid.
  • Additional mesh sides to increase the high.
  • Hydraulic cylinder system.
  • Automatic tipping system (instead of lever).

Drop opening bottom skips are customizable per dimensions, color, capacity, and can be also manufactured with both solid and mesh steel sides. They can be handled with both forklift and crane.

Steel Big Bag Structures can be customized per surface treatment (galvanised, stainless steel or anti-corrosion painted steel), capacity and dimensions. They can be equipped with:

  • Spill pallet
  • Wheels
  • Steel edges
  • Picking trolleys
  • Roof top
  • New model SPBN120Z is configurable with many more accessories to match every need.

Modular Flooring Systems with Spill Pallet, for dangerous and polluting liquids are customizable with internal coating for acids, and alarm system in case of accidental spills.

Gas cylinder pallet cages are customizable in size, load capacity, cylinders capacity, color and surface treatment. They can be equipped with:

  • Access ramps
  • Base with special coatings
  • Thermal insulation
  • Cylinder restraint systems

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